
Showing posts from January, 2021

Monday 1st February

 Hello Class 2, We hope that you have all had a relaxing weekend and are ready for another week of learning. Here is your work for  Monday . See you later on Zoom. Mrs Riegler & Mrs Bedwell

Friday 29th January

  Good morning Class 2,  Happy Birthday to Freya! Have a great day😊 Here are your activities for  Friday .  Apologies, the link for the second Reading comprehension activity for all reading groups other than Pluto should be this one -  Tiger, Tiger  not the one that is on Friday page.  ****(updated on Friday 8.00am) The Open the Book link has been emailed to parents separately.  Have a great day, see you on Zoom later.  From Mrs Bedwell and Mrs Riegler

Thursday 28th January

  Good morning Class 2,  Wow, is it Thursday already? This week is whizzing by! Here is the  link for isingpop assembly for today.  Remember the password to type in is spring. Here are your activities for  Thursday .  Have a great day, see you later on Zoom! From Mrs Bedwell and Mrs Riegler 😊

Wednesday 27th January

  Good morning Class 2,  We hope you enjoyed the Tiger Child story yesterday.  How did you get on with your Rangoli pattern activity? Here are your activities for  Wednesday .  We have been talking about the best way to continue with our stamp chart reward system while you are at home. We have seen so much great work coming in that would normally earn you a stamp on your chart that we feel we should continue with this.  So from now on, when you send in a piece of excellent work that shows you have tried your very best, we will email you feedback and let you know that you have earned a stamp on your chart. We have taken all your stamp charts out of your drawers and have them on our desk ready to put the stamp on for you. That way, when you return to school you will be able to see all the stamps you have collected. If you finish your stamp chart we will let you know in our afternoon Zoom meetings and will email you a picture of your certificate. We will also ...

Tuesday 26th January

  Hello Class 2, We hope you had a good day yesterday, thank you for all the fantastic snowy day pictures! Most of them are on our Class 2 page and more will follow later today. We loved hearing your extra animal poem verses yesterday afternoon, if you haven't sent yours in yet we would love to see it.  We can see that lots of you have enjoyed completing the tally work, don't forget to use a ruler to draw your charts! We are hoping for more posters about the Qur'an for our classroom display too.   Here is your work for  Tuesday See you later on Zoom! Mrs Riegler & Mrs Bedwell

Monday 25th January

  Hello Class 2, Were you as excited as us to see the snow on Sunday? We would love to see your pictures of you having fun in the snow.  Perhaps you built a snowman or went sledging, maybe you had a lovely walk or played in the garden? Here is Mrs Riegler's dog Luna playing in the snow for the first time: Please send in your pictures to our class 2 email address. Well done to those of you who have become drone and soldier bees on Spelling Shed, great work! If you haven't played any games yet why not try this week? It is a great way to practise your spellings without any help from an adult! Here is your work for  Monday . See you on Zoom where we will talk about some exciting activities we have planned for this week. Then at 2:05 we are looking forward to sharing some new Indian stories about animal adventures. Mrs Riegler and Mrs Bedwell

Friday 22nd January

  Good morning Class 2,  We hope you enjoyed the science investigation yesterday, there was some challenging maths to find out if the statements were true or false, so well done! Perhaps you might like to start the day with Open the Book   assembly Here are your activities for  Friday See you all on Zoom later.  Well done for all your hard work again this week. 👍 Have a lovely weekend,  From Mrs Bedwell and Mrs Riegler 😊

Thursday 21st January

 Good morning Class 2,  Let's hope the weather improves today, what a wet and windy day we had yesterday!  Here are your activities for  Thursday . (We have a few technical issues with our Google Drive so hopefully this is the link for the second sheet for English:  Flag questions . Also, here is your  Science activity ) Have a good day everyone, look forward to catching up on Zoom! Mrs Bedwell and Mrs Riegler iSingPop Assembly - Episode 3 - Love Watch today's assembly with the iSingPop Team by clicking on the link and entering the password.   There are also some activities that accompany the assembly. PASSWORD: spring This will be available for today.

Wednesday 20th January

  Hello Class 2, Well done for showing us your fantastic Taj Mahal non-fiction pages on our Zoom call, we can't wait to see how they look when they are finished.  Thank you too for all the pictures of work you have been sending in, it is great to see how hard you are working.  Don't forget to join your letters as much as possible now and underline your date and WALT in your book with a ruler just like you would in school! Did you enjoy playing the Roll and Spell rainbow word game?  We are pleased that so many of you are using spelling shed to help you to learn your spellings each week.   Here are your activities for  Wednesday See you on Zoom! Mrs Riegler and Mrs Bedwell

Tuesday 19th January

 Hello Class 2, Well done for sharing your fantastic Top Trump cards with us this afternoon, they looked great!  We are so proud of how sensibly you are joining in our Zoom calls and using the mute button on your own. Here are your activities for  Tuesday . We will talk a bit more about you English task on our morning Zoom call. See you later! Mrs Riegler & Mrs Bedwell

Monday 18th January

 Hello Class 2, we hope that you have had a lovely weekend and managed to get out and about in the fresh air for some exercise. Here are your activities for  Monday . See you later on Zoom. Mrs Riegler and Mrs Bedwell 😄

Open the Book Assembly

  Hello again,  Here is a  link  for Open the Book Assembly for today. (Friday15th Jan)

Friday 15th January

  Good morning Class 2,  We hope you enjoyed your Science yesterday looking at food groups and the importance of healthy eating. Please send us photos of your healthy meal plates you designed, we would love to see them.  Here are your activities for  Friday .  Don't forget to have a look at the separate Well-Being blog if you would like some further ideas or support.  Here is an extra  story for you to enjoy over the weekend.  Well done for all your hard work again this week, have a lovely rest over the weekend.  From Mrs Bedwell and Mrs Riegler 😊

Thursday 14th January

  Good morning Class 2,  Did you find out some fascinating facts about the Taj Mahal yesterday? Thank you to everyone who have sent in their work again, some excellent sentences using conjunctions and some great maths work too, well done Class 2. 👍 And some beautiful drawings of the Taj Mahal, super impressive! 👏  If you didn't get a chance to send it in, have your picture ready to show us on Zoom in the morning if you would like to. Here are your  activities for  Thursday . Here are the details for you to log in to the isingpop assembly: iSingPop Assembly - Episode 2 Watch today's assembly with the iSingPop Team by clicking on the link and entering the password.   There are also some activities that accompany the assembly. PASSWORD: spring This will be available for today. See you on Zoom at 8.40am and 2.05pm.  Have a great day! Mrs Bedwell and Mrs Riegler

Draw the Taj Mahal link

  Hello again,       3.20pm Wednesday Apologies if the link to drawing the Taj Mahal did not work - here is another that we found and used in class See you tomorrow.  Mrs Bedwell and Mrs Riegler

Wednesday 13th January

 Hello Class 2, We hope that you enjoyed reading more information texts about India, what did you learn?  We can't wait to see your Rangoli pattern work too.  Maybe you will have some ready to share on our Zoom call.  Have you been busy doing lots of sharing with objects around the house?   Here is your work for  Wednesday . See you soon! Mrs Riegler & Mrs Bedwell ✋😉
 Hello Class 2, It was fantastic to see almost all of you on our Zoom calls yesterday, thank you for joining in so sensibly, we are very proud of you. It is great to see so many pictures of wonderful work being sent in too, well done for all your hard work (mums and dads too!).  Don't forget that you can use spellshed to practise your new spellings each week.   Here is your work for  Tuesday Mrs Riegler & Mrs Bedwell

Monday 11th January

 Good morning Class 2,  We hope you had a peaceful weekend and managed to stay warm if you were out in the fresh air! We look forward to seeing you on Zoom at 8.40am to say hello and run through today's activities.  Here are  Monday's activities .  Sometimes if we have had a few minutes spare in class we have enjoyed completing some mindfulness colouring.  Here are some  pictures  if you would like to have a go too. Have a good day and we will catch up again later at 2.05pm for a whole class Zoom story time 😀 Mrs Bedwell and Mrs Riegler

Friday 8th January

  Good morning Class 2,  We are going to do a trial zoom meeting at 8.30am to say hello to you in person and have a quick catch up about the work you have been doing this week. A link for the zoom meeting has been emailed to parents and a letter with further information from Mr Staley should have gone out to parents on Thursday evening. We look forward seeing you then hopefully! Here are your activities for  Friday .  Here is a story for you to enjoy  The Sand Witch Well done for all your hard work this week,  Have a lovely weekend,  From Mrs Bedwell and Mrs Riegler 😊
Good morning Class 2,  We hope you enjoyed learning about the Continents and Oceans of the world yesterday. Did you get a chance to read some of names of places in India? Here are your activities for  Thursday . Perhaps you might like to finish the day with another Korky Paul  story . Have a great day,  Mrs Bedwell and Mrs Riegler 😊

Wednesday 6th January

  Good Morning Class 2,  We hope you enjoyed finding out about Prita's journey to India yesterday and got on well with your maths.  How are your Rangoli patterns looking? Did you manage to stay in the lines? Here are your activities for  Wednesday  (edited at 8.10am on 6/1/20) Today's story is  The Very Noisy Night .  Have a good day and wrap up warm if you are venturing out! From Mrs Bedwell and Mrs Riegler 😊

Tuesday 5th January

 Hello Class 2, We hope that you managed to work through lots of the work in your tasks yesterday.  Here is your work for  Tuesday . Good Luck! Mrs Riegler and Mrs Bedwell

Monday 4th January 2021

 Hello Class 2! Happy New Year 2021 We hope that you have enjoyed your break.  Well it has been quite a while since you have been working at home but we will do our best to make it as smooth and enjoyable as possible for you and your family.   Here is your work for Monday . We will update this page again this evening.   Mrs Riegler & Mrs Bedwell 😊