Thursday 14th January

 Good morning Class 2, 

Did you find out some fascinating facts about the Taj Mahal yesterday?

Thank you to everyone who have sent in their work again, some excellent sentences using conjunctions and some great maths work too, well done Class 2. 👍

And some beautiful drawings of the Taj Mahal, super impressive! 👏 

If you didn't get a chance to send it in, have your picture ready to show us on Zoom in the morning if you would like to.

Here are your  activities for Thursday.

Here are the details for you to log in to the isingpop assembly:

iSingPop Assembly - Episode 2
Watch today's assembly with the iSingPop Team by clicking on the link and entering the password.  There are also some activities that accompany the assembly.

PASSWORD: spring

This will be available for today.

See you on Zoom at 8.40am and 2.05pm. 

Have a great day!

Mrs Bedwell and Mrs Riegler


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